Going to zero waste in the bathroom is possible!

Going to zero waste in the bathroom is possible!

Far from being a fad, zero waste is a movement that promises a host of improvements for the environment, all without disrupting its habits too much. The advantage of this little everyday revolution is that it can be done at a pace that is unique to you and in the areas that you want. And one of the privileged fields of action is undoubtedly the bathroom.

In itself, zero waste can be adopted everywhere: in the kitchen, within a company, on the move, etc. And while you may not or may not want to act on all of these areas, investing in just one of them can pay off! And the bathroom can be the scene of these changes

Switch to solid products

Shower gel, shampoo, soap, etc. All of these products, which are overwhelmingly found in plastic containers – themselves sometimes wrapped in cardboard – can be purchased in solid form. For example, solid toothpaste, zero waste and solid deodorant, and many other hygiene and beauty products can be found in this form in organic stores, speciality stores or on the Internet.

Most of the time, their packaging is recyclable, compostable and reduced to essentials, which is why there are many products in glass jars or in recycled cardboard packaging. Enough to drastically reduce waste at home!

Ban disposable wipes and cotton

Just as we can do without disposable dishes and paper towel rollers in the kitchen, the bathroom is full of dispensable and/or replaceable foodstuffs thanks to more economical and ecological alternatives. This is particularly the case for makeup removing wipes, which can be obtained or made in fabric. The purchase price is, of course, more expensive in the first case, but it remains a profitable investment in the long term.

Disposable cotton swabs are also being forgotten – today we know only too well the sad consequences they have, especially for marine life. Instead, there are alternatives like the wooden, biodegradable and reusable oriculi!

Change your utensils

Take the toothbrush for example: before being thrown away, plastic ones are used for 3 to 4 months after their purchase, according to the recommendations of health professionals. Why not get a wooden one? Most of the time, this is bamboo which can be thrown in the compost. Be sure to check with the manufacturer before doing so.

There are also toothbrushes whose brush is removable. This allows a significant reduction in waste, and you only need to buy a single toothbrush that lasts longer than the others thanks to this refill system. Ditto for razors! Get rid of the plastic ones and opt for a metal or bamboo model whose blade is removable and easily interchangeable.

Go home

The Internet is full of tutorials and other homemade and organic recipes to create your own make-up and homemade beauty treatments, or even wax for hair removal. The advantage is that many of the ingredients used, such as coconut oil, can have multiple functions around the house. This also applies to all that is the maintenance of the bathroom: white vinegar and baking soda can especially be used in all rooms of the house

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